William Tran
Not quite internet famous.
William Tran has been helping startups and enterprises harness the power of the Spring Framework for over a decade. Currently driving the transportation transformation with Autonomic, he was previously building products for Pivotal Cloud Foundry and made contributions to the Spring Framework and Netflix OSS.
Specialized in
Cloud application security, microservices, continuous delivery, Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry, Spring, Java, MySQL, Hibernate
Beyond OAuth2: End to End Microservice Security, microXchg, Berlin, Germany
A JOSE based approach to end to end message security and authorization based on chain of custody, for microservice architectures.
Enabling Cloud Native Security with OAuth2 and Multi-Tenant UAA, Cloud Foundry Summit Asia, Shanghai, China
A look at the multitenancy features I helped design and build into Cloud Foundry’s authorization server.
Securing Microservices with Spring Cloud Security, SpringOne2GX, Washington, DC, USA
A demonstration of securing evolving microservices using Spring Boot’s OAuth 2 support.
Server-side JavaScript with Nashorn and Spring, SpringOne2GX, Dallas, TX, USA
Showing off the capabilities of our CommonJS and Promises A+ compliant JavaScript engine built using Nashorn, Java 8’s replacement for Rhino.
Invocation Path Security in Distributed Systems
This patent covers some of the material in my Beyond OAuth2: End to End Microservice Security presentation. An open source proof of concept can be found at https://github.com/william-tran/microservice-security-jose, licensed under Apache 2.0.
2017-04 -
Autonomic, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Senior Software Engineer
2014-10 - 2017-04
Pivotal Software Inc, Toronto, ON, Canada
- Principal Software Engineer
2011-04 - 2014-10
Xtreme Labs Inc (acquired by Pivotal Software Inc), Toronto, ON, Canada
- Principal Software Engineer
2010-11 - 2011-04
Zerofootprint Software Inc., Toronto, ON, Canada
- Senior Java Engineer
2007-02 - 2010-11
Achievers Inc. (formerly I Love Rewards Inc., acquired by Blackhawk Network), Toronto, ON, Canada
- Software Architect
2000-07 – 2007-02
Honeywell Airframe Systems Canada, Inc., Mississauga, ON, Canada
- Contract Developer / Analyst
University of Toronto, St. George Campus
- Honours BSc Computer Science, Information Systems Specialist